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Zen Garden

Abundance Coaching

An Individual Approach

One-on-one coaching

Do you have a drive to better understand your intuitive abilities? Do you need someone to guide you, help you ask the better questions, see and walk with you through the work guaranteeing highly transformative results? ABUNDANCE coaching is the answer!

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Why choose Abundance coaching?

It's the first of it's kind hands on, guided coaching for those who are just starting on the intuitive path, those who are feeling like they haven't been pushed hard enough, and those that seek to be more, better than they ever thought possible for themselves and possibly others. 
When I began this journey of intuitive healing and then into my work as a healer, I found one thing to be true, I didn't feel like I had a true mentor.
I felt alone and lonely despite paying thousands and thousands of dollars working with teachers who claimed to be the best in the business. As I gave them my money and time in great investment every time they promised to be there for me, to push me past my boundaries and help foster a space of safety, challenge and mastery, all I developed was more and more empty pockets. 
Their words fell flat and I stopped believing that it was possible to find someone who actually knew what they were doing and who could push me and help me get better at what I do and who I am. 
Then I heard the calling from my guides and ancestors telling me the answer was me!

If I couldn't find it, I was going to create it. 

And ABUNDANCE was born!

Here in this specialized, personalized and highly cultivated private experience, I work with you to reach any and all of your goals be they reclaiming your health, pushing your limits in the intuitive space and harnessing your intuitive gifts and skills, or becoming better as an already established healer, mastering your skills and embodying the Creator in us all.

This style of coaching is unlike anything that you have seen and when I say that it is coaching, I don't mean we have one 30 minute call a month and a couple of hours three days a week. NO NO NO. 
This offering is truly my gift to you. Here I meet with you every week, give you access to me via text 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, I send you cultivated healings, affirmations, and guidance daily and when we meet, the work is always in service of moving you one step closer to your goals, even if it is just 1%. 
In this space you always get better. 

What is also innovative about this offering is that I take into consideration all that you are. For each client I look into your astrology, your human design and your numerology to learn how you learn and what the universe has in store for you and then you and I talk. We lay out where you are, what traumas we need to get past, the narratives that are living in your blood and DNA, and where your ego is blocking you. Then we get to work. 

Think of me as your personal pocket Abby and my job is making sure that you succeed.

And don't get it twisted, just because you get unprecedented access to me, doesn't me I'm doing all the work for you. Absolutely the hell not. This is why I screen all potential clients of this offer with a free discovery call. I need to know that you are here for the work. That you are ready to put in the time and that you are capable of making the necessary adjustments throughout our time together. In this I think of you as my prize fighter, my champion and there is only one option, to win the gold!

In ABUNDANCE you will be expected to be honest with me yes, but also yourself and as you are, as you learn the skills required for achieving your goals, you will experience transformations unlike anything you have seen in other private coaching spaces. 

If you goal is health related, you will see yourself needing less and less medicine, struggling less with side effects and symptoms. You will feel stronger, more confident in your body and what it can accomplish and you will have the knowledge and skills to advocate for yourself with your medical team and have the ability to let go of diagnoses that no longer serve you. 

If your goal is to quantum leap and push the boundaries of intuitive gifts and knowledge, well... the simple way to say it is you will. Want to learn how to quantum manifest? Want to learn how to activate your super powers be they telepathy, predictive abilities, mediumship, time jumping, and more? This style of private coaching is tailor made to get you to where you want to be because I have the super power of being able to go into meditation with you. I can see and feel what you are experiencing simultaneously while I can direct you, in real time, to reach your next level. When to breath, where to feel, when to sharpen focus. And while we do that work, we are enhancing your understanding of the quantum and intuitive realm. 

And finally, if your goal is to simply become a better practitioner for your existing or headed your way clients, then this is the space for you. One where you are working with someone who can make you more accurate by teaching you how to expand your thinking, your receiving, and your connection. Introducing new healing skills, sharpening old ones, this private coaching is perfect for both the beginner healer and the seasoned one as I am the perfect person to help you beyond yourself. 

Abigal White - Breath of Life LLC

Abigail White - Master Healer and Teacher

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